Hello good morning everyone!🤩🤗
Today's Scripture
“So don’t ever be afraid, dearest friends! Your loving Father joyously gives you his kingdom with all its promises!”
Luke 12:32, TPT
It Is Your Father’s Pleasure
Arkeemia, your Heavenly Father says you’re one of a kind, a prized possession. Don’t go through life feeling inferior, not up to par, not attractive. Have a receiving mindset. “God, I receive what You say about me. I receive Your approval. I receive Your love. Thank You that You have accepted me, that I am worthy, I am valuable, I am a masterpiece.” The Scripture says it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. That means it gives God great joy to bless you, to forgive you, to show you favor. But there’s a condition: Will you receive the gifts? Will you believe that you’re worthy, you’re approved, you’re valuable, you’re blessed, you’re favored? Or are you pushing away all the gifts, thinking you don’t deserve them, that you could never get well, never have abundance, never feel attractive? No, if you want to make God happy, if you want to make Him smile, have a receiving mindset. Start accepting the gifts. Start accepting His promises. You haven’t seen, heard, or imagined what He has in store for you.
A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You that You joyously give me Your kingdom with all the promises in Your Word. Thank You that I can come and receive Your gifts of favor, forgiveness, wisdom, and abundance. I declare that I am expecting You to show out in my life in ways I have never imagined. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”
Have a blessed and wonderful day!✝️🦋🥰🙏🏾